In 5 June 2018, part of Aotea Sport and Recreation members partied in the Karaka Farm. They discussed different topics, news, culture, sport and family. Some of them played cards, some played chess game and some had table tennis game. They were very happy and proud be the member of Aotea Sport Centre, especially the new immigrates. They feel safe, happy and easy to get into the New Zealand Life Style.
2018 部分ASR会员KARAKA农场联谊活动
2018 6月5日,部分ASR会员聚集在KARAKA农场联谊。 大家进行了体育 文化 社区方面的沟通。有的打牌,右的下象棋切磋,有的进行乒乓球比赛。 一些新来移民的伙伴们都感到非常高兴。能和大家聚集一起。互相沟通 互相帮忙。