Aotea Sport proud to be one of partners to support Southern Cricket Premier League T20

We are partners with Flatbush Cricket Club to support community participate the cricket sport event -Southern Premier League T20 will be held in Barry Curies Park Auckland. The league started on 1st November and there are 4 games every Sunday at Barry Curtis Park. There will be a family event on the final day which is 13th December 2020
Swaran katal (Chairman of Flatbush Cricket Club) and Chao Yu (Chairman of Aotea Sport and Recreation Association) are happy to plan more Cricket Sport Activity for local Asian community.
For more information about Southern Premier League T20 please check the website:
REAT NEWS! ASR华人体育文化活动中心很荣幸作为2020奥克兰南部板球🏏️联赛的合作伙伴. 相信也是首次华社参与板球活动组织。为社区传达社区板球🏏️活动!在未来我们希望更多华人参与板球活动. (板球可能是大部分中国民众的未知领域,但这项运动却在全球有超过14亿球迷,球迷数量仅次于足球;板球世界杯还是仅次于奥运会和FIFA足球世界杯的全球第三大赛事。)
SOUTHERN PREMIER LEAGUE T20 南部板球超级联赛 T2;是从2020年11月开始的第二个赛季的顶级T20板球锦标赛。该锦标赛在Auckland Flat Bush Barry Curtis Park举办. 活动的目的是将奥克兰的所有优秀板球爱好者聚集在一个平台下,并为他们提供终生的比赛体验,同时吸引更多人参与板球🏏️活动!更多比赛信息请点击